Sunday, January 17, 2010

Pope Scumbag the Next

At Rome synagogue, Pope defends Nazi-era Vatican

"Pope Benedict XVI used his first visit to Rome's synagouge on Sunday to defend the oft-criticized actions of the Vatican during the Holocaust, saying the Church had "acted in a discreet and hidden way."

When Catholic priests spewed their venom and drummed up Jew-killing, there was nothing discreet and hidden. The representatives of the Church were outspoken and vociferous in their hatred towards Jews. For over a thousand years before the Holocaust the Church openly and stridently helped destroy Jews.

But to help a Jew they had to be hidden and discreet.

Centuries ago, it was a pope that forced Jews into a Ghetto in Italy.

And rather than open the archives of the Holocaust Pope and prove that he was at all a decent human, they choose to keep their information as hidden and discreet as was their help.

I spit on the Pope and the Church and the whole lot of hypocritical offspring of genocidal mania.

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